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Republican recount candidates, in second lawsuit, want Denver judge to halt process

Group wants El Paso County to hand over records to secretary of state

Meet the Democratic candidate trying to unseat Rep. Lauren Boebert

Former Aspen City Council member Adam Frisch won the party’s nomination in June

Unaffiliated voters heavily favor Republican races in 2022 La Plata County primaries

Democrats eye U.S. Supreme Court decisions as a motivator toward November

Three recent Durango High School graduates observe election process from the inside

‘With everything that happened in 2020, I wanted to just see the process for myself,’ says Tommy Pope, age 18

Republican primary voters in Colorado reject slate of candidates who embraced election conspiracies

‘I think the Republican Party returned to sanity tonight,’ said Dick Wadhams, former chairman of the state GOP

How to follow Tuesday’s primary election

La Plata County voters can expect results soon after the 7 p.m. deadline

Primary turnout in La Plata County outpaces 2018

Races for Colorado’s 3rd Congressional District, statewide and national offices bring out voters

At virtual forum, candidates in CD-3 tackle local, national issues

Republican and Democrat primary opponents find common ground in working to unseat U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert

Colorado primary ballots are now in the mail. Here’s what you need to know

Voters can register or change their registration through Election Day, June 28

Beating Boebert a top theme among three Democratic candidates

Sol Sandoval, Alex Walker and Adam Frisch face off in Grand Junction ahead of June primary

Gloves come off in first debate between congressional candidates Don Coram and Lauren Boebert

Republican primary opponents offered voters a glimpse of their different approaches to legislating

State Sen. Don Coram and U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert to debate Thursday in Ignacio

Republican candidates will meet as they campaign for Congressional District 3