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Gloves come off in first debate between congressional candidates Don Coram and Lauren Boebert

Republican primary opponents offered voters a glimpse of their different approaches to legislating

State Sen. Don Coram and U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert to debate Thursday in Ignacio

Republican candidates will meet as they campaign for Congressional District 3

Where’s Don Coram? Lauren Boebert’s GOP challenger says his late start is all part of the plan

State senator is making long shot bid to unseat congresswoman with deep pockets and a national following

Don Coram outraises Lauren Boebert in 1st quarter in Southwest Colorado

Some of the congresswoman’s biggest monetary supporters work in oil and gas

Colorado earns top marks for voting and election confidence

Study ranks state among best in nation ahead of midterms

Judge orders new vote in primary bid involving Colorado lawmaker, candidate with felony conviction

Ineligible delegate cast vote for newcomer, preventing incumbent from making ballot

La Plata County clerk assails false elections claims, saying ‘enough’s enough’

Group of election officials met in Denver to call out bad-faith actors

As race for CD3 tightens, we asked candidates about their policy positions

Boebert, challengers weigh in on gun violence, economic priorities and renaming mountains

Here’s who has secured a spot on the Democratic primary ballot in the race to unseat Lauren Boebert

Democrats face a steep hill in trying to unseat congresswoman

Boebert kicks off GOP assembly where Tina Peters tells crowd ‘they’re coming after you’

Mesa County clerk bemoans suspension of her concealed carry permit

Colorado Rep. Barbara McLachlan eyes fourth term

Longtime representative from Durango touts her work at the Capitol as campaign season nears

Republicans report boost in turnout while Democrats see a slide at caucuses

La Plata County parties express confidence heading into November elections