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Tempers flare at Mesa County protest as judge prepares to decide Tina Peters’ role in upcoming election

At least one person hurt when a counter-demonstrator showed up

Latest Colorado legislative draft maps would leave Democrats in control

Commission sets Oct. 12 as deadline to vote on final state House, Senate maps

Mesa County clerk fights to keep her job in new court filing

Embattled election official says her removal was an overreach by Colorado secretary of state

New Mesa County elections official says he hasn’t heard from Clerk Tina Peters

‘My focus is on trying to make the election work,’ says Wayne Williams

Where will Lauren Boebert land once Colorado congressional maps are redrawn?

Even if congresswoman ends up in CD2, she plans to run for CD3

Lawsuit seeks to prevent Mesa County clerk from being involved with upcoming election

Filing asks court to designate two Republicans to oversee November contests

Colorado officials to clerk under federal probe: ‘Come home’

Tina Peters has not made any local appearances since secretary of state opened an investigation

Colorado attorney general joins investigation into Mesa County election system leak

Clerk Tina Peters suspected of participating in activity that resulted in release of passwords

Mesa County commissioners to replace Dominion voting equipment

New contract will extend through 2029

Supporters back Mesa County clerk, who is in hiding after voting system breach

State GOP representative calls investigation a ‘false-flag operation’

Mesa County treasurer to oversee election; FBI joins investigation into leaks

Commissioners say Colorado secretary of state is ‘out of her lane’

Colorado secretary of state won’t allow Mesa County’s clerk to oversee upcoming election

Decision comes as Tina Peters is under investigation for involvement in leak of passwords