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Mesa County treasurer to oversee election; FBI joins investigation into leaks

Commissioners say Colorado secretary of state is ‘out of her lane’

Colorado secretary of state won’t allow Mesa County’s clerk to oversee upcoming election

Decision comes as Tina Peters is under investigation for involvement in leak of passwords

GOP woman from Southwest Colorado to challenge Boebert

Marina Zimmerman said Republican Party needs to move past QAnon, voter fraud

Colorado’s secretary of state blames Mesa County clerk for password breach

Tina Peters denies responsibility, says if anything Jena Griswold’s office is to blame

Remapping Colorado: Census data comes a few days early

Politicos and various groups try to influence redistricting behind the scenes

‘We’re (expletive) idiots’: Some Democrats voice regret about Colorado’s new redistricting process

If amendments hadn’t passed in 2018, Dems would now have more say over how legislative districts are drawn

Two Democrats running to unseat Boebert may no longer live in her district

State representative and community activist possibly drawn out of 3rd Congressional District

Will unaffiliated voters re-elect U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert?

Democratic leaders ponder how to engage left-leaning, unaffiliated voters

LPEA candidate violates election rule

Bill Waters: ‘I in no way ever intended to do anything wrong’

Two big-name Democrats exploring 2022 bids to unseat Lauren Boebert

State senator and representative may launch campaigns to oust Republican

New Mexico elects new U.S. senator, House representative

State reports record voter turnout

Lauren Boebert holds lead over Democrat Diane Mitsch Bush

Pueblo likely to be deciding factor in race