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In Colorado, redistricting isn’t everything

DENVER – Unlike much of the rest of the country, Colorado Democrats have come out on top in recent redistricting battles in this hotly competitive state. But it has been of limited help – a ...

Udall fires up his Democrats

Gardner brings up senator’s vote on health-care law

Is Gov. Hickenlooper as ‘weak’ as GOP says?

Gubenatorial debate continues lively discussion of issues

Gardner in and Buck out in Senate race

Shake-up has GOP feeling more confident

And in this corner ... ‘Buffie’ McFadyen

Your current U.S. Rep. Tipton may not be ‘maverick’ enough

Deputy enters race against Duke Schirard

Sean Smith says sheriff’s office ready for change

Parker to seek 2nd term

Tiffany Lee Parker on Thursday filed to run for a second term as La Plata County clerk and recorder. Parker, a Republican, said she intends to compete in her party’s primary and t...

Votes stream in day before election

Ballots must be dropped off by 7 p.m. today

Voters find Amnd. 66 confusing

Complexity confounds wary residents