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Evacuations lifted for homes near 70-acre wildfire east of Durango

Blaze is 75% contained; cause remains under investigation

Man arrested on suspicion of starting multiple fires, including seven Tuesday night

‘I hope they finally caught this guy and it stops,’ says fire chief

Fire restrictions coming to Southwest Colorado

Open campfires, smoking, fireworks will be banned starting Wednesday

‘Extremely critical’ fire warning for first time in 15 years as Western Slope drought worsens

About 45% of Colorado, all west of the Continental Divide, now in some state of drought

Farmington urges residents to refrain from fireworks and other fire sources

San Juan County is in the ‘worst level’ of drought

Before a prescribed burn comes a ton of planning

Layers of analysis and years of study precede ignition

14 wildfires in Arizona, New Mexico create hazy skies to Southwest Colorado

Largest blaze is listed at 65,825 acres

Red flag warning issued for Southwest Colorado

Weather favorable to the spread of wildfire expected for the coming week

Chew on this: Goats mow down fire danger in La Plata County neighborhood

Herd eats through dense Gambel oak and ponderosa pine to create defensible space

How three subdivisions came to embrace wildfire mitigation

Sometimes, it takes a close call, or worse, to spur action

Sen. Bennet reintroduces disaster mitigation bill

Bipartisan legislation would provide tax credit for investing in prevention

La Plata County adds teeth to fire restrictions ahead of summer

Changes include penalties and flexibility for implementing burn bans