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Krugman: Passing through to corruption

Unless something drastic happens, this will be the week Republicans ram through a tax cut that adds more than a trillion dollars to federal debt while undermining health care for millions. T...

Parker: Collateral damage of “credibly accused”

WASHINGTON – As the #MeToo movement gained momentum the past several weeks -- and more than a dozen powerful men accused of sexual misconduct were suspended, fired or banished into the outer...

Childs: Rep. Tipton, remember where you came from

The sun is just up here in western Colorado, another brilliant blue sky day, which makes me think of you in Washington, D.C., far from the canyons, mesas and mountains where you grew up. It ...

Parker: Election 2018 – It’s not too soon to review what to expect

As we quickly approach the 2018 election year, I would like to highlight some very important details regarding caucus, the primary election and the general election. How do state e...

Doughty: Impact fees ensure new growth pays its own way

Durango Fire Protection District is pursuing impact fees within our fire district. Impact fees are a way to assure that the rate of growth of the community does not outpace the capacity for ...

Gerson: A healthy Republican party can only be built on the ruins of this one

WASHINGTON – I find myself wandering in an unfamiliar place. As a pro-life conservative, I am honestly happy – no, positively elated – that pro-choice Democrat Doug Jones won Alabama’s Senat...

Gangloff: Trump and Zinke, a pair of fact-free ‘Bad Santas’

President Donald Trump and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke came to the West last week like “Bad Santas” bearing a sack of coal for residents of Utah and Colorado. They came to annou...

Krugman: The Republican war on children

Let me ask you a question; take your time in answering it. Would you be willing to take health care away from a thousand children with the bad luck to have been born into low-income families...

Brooks: The GOP is harming every cause it used to serve

A lot of good, honorable Republicans used to believe there was a safe middle ground. You didn’t have to tie yourself hip to hip with Donald Trump, but you didn’t have to go all the way to th...

Aichele: 2017 taxes due in January may be paid now

It is the end of the year, 2017. The county Treasurer’s office is busy with phone calls and emails from taxpayers. There are many “balls in the air” right now in determining just what your p...

Thomas: Looking to the future of Fort Lewis College

I’d like to offer an update about the budget situation at Fort Lewis College. As a campus community, we want to be proactive as we look ahead to the future. At the Board of Truste...

Beck: Net neutrality – New rules will allow ISPs to enhance profits, restrict competition

Occasionally, I read something that impresses me with its Orwellian coupling of focus group-tested clichés and misleading claims. This happened recently when Ajit Pai, former Verizon lawyer ...