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Brooks: How to engage a fanatic

I’ve had a series of experiences recently that leave the impression that everybody on earth is having the same conversation: How do you engage with fanatics? First, I was at a Was...

Barkey: Colorado’s Public Employees Retirement Association is going broke

Colorado’s Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA) system is going broke. Colorado’s teachers, firefighters, and state troopers are among PERA’s 560,000 members who are e...

Hawk: Caring for our children - community responds to child care, workforce challenges

We need to care for those who care for our children. This was a common theme heard at the Thrive! Living Wage Coalition’s community education event on Oct. 6. Forty-nine individua...

Parker: One year ago

WASHINGTON – ‘Tis the season of looking back, which brings us inevitably to Election Day 2016. Donald Trump’s victory places last year as one of the most significant in modern Ame...

Leonhardt: A conspiracy of inaction on sexual abuse

I caught the journalism bug in high school. I was fortunate to be a scholarship student at a rigorous New York private school with a weekly newspaper, and some of the older students I admire...

Milbank: Welcome to the new gilded age

WASHINGTON – Corporations are people, my friend. And this is where they feed. Room 1100 of the Longworth Building, with its ionic columns, gilt-fringed curtains and eagle-topped f...

Woolston: America’s security and economy depend on ANWR

The U.S., the world’s largest consumer of oil, will use more than 7 billion barrels of oil this year – right around 20 million barrels a day. Since we produce less than 15 millio...

Collins: Rick Perry’s strange sex story

Oh, that Rick Perry. Our secretary of energy was in South Africa recently, for Africa Oil Week. Whenever the word “oil” is mentioned, Perry responds like a dog on the scent of a h...

Gerson: A year after Trump’s election, both parties are morally and intellectually exhausted

WASHINGTON – Political commentators are supposed to be somewhat objective and analytical when it comes to tracking trends. In that spirit, I find the polling snapshot of President Trump at o...

McKay: Budget must reflect EPA superfund commitments

For many years now, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has had a presence in San Juan County. Since the 2015 Gold King Mine spill, and the superfund designation of the Bonit...

Egan: National parks for the 1 percent or all Americans?

America’s Best Idea is now just another commodity. A president who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing, as Oscar Wilde had it, wants to make it prohibitively expensive for...

Demientieff: Sen. Gardner, please ask yourself: “What legacy do we want to leave?”

As a Native Alaskan and member of the Gwich’in Nation, my people have depended on the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge for centuries. The oil industry has unsuccessfully attempted...