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Thomas: Looking to the future of Fort Lewis College

I’d like to offer an update about the budget situation at Fort Lewis College. As a campus community, we want to be proactive as we look ahead to the future. At the Board of Truste...

Beck: Net neutrality – New rules will allow ISPs to enhance profits, restrict competition

Occasionally, I read something that impresses me with its Orwellian coupling of focus group-tested clichés and misleading claims. This happened recently when Ajit Pai, former Verizon lawyer ...

Schultz: Time Magazine gets it right – we have changed

It’s that sleeved elbow in the Time cover photo – the one attached to an unidentified woman sitting to the right – that magnifies the message. Five elegant women – actress Ashley ...

Goldberg: Why young people hate capitalism

On a Friday night last month, I moderated a debate in Manhattan about whether we should scrap capitalism. It was organized by the socialist magazine Jacobin; defending capitalism...

Brooks: How not to advance gay marriage

Five years ago, Charlie Craig and David Mullins walked into a bakery in a strip mall in Lakewood, Colorado, to ask about a cake for their wedding. The baker, Jack Phillips, repli...

Krugman: Republicans’ tax lies show the rot spreads wide and runs deep

Last Thursday morning, The New York Times revealed that Steven Mnuchin, the Treasury secretary, has been lying for months about Republican tax plans. Mnuchin has repeatedly claimed the exist...

Cafferty: Fort Lewis stakeholders should avoid distractions

Another swing at the gut of the administration while offering no effective solution to the issues facing Fort Lewis College – that’s what I see when I read yet another piece making wild accu...

Mitsch Bush: Rush to a political win spells a huge loss for Americans

Many economists, tax analysts, nonpartisan organizations like the Joint Committee on Taxation, and former officials from both Republican and Democratic administrations agree that the Tax Cut...

Ramos: The Masterpiece Cakeshop case isn’t about cake

On Dec. 5, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear oral arguments in the Masterpiece Cakeshop, Ltd. vs. Colorado Civil Rights Commission case, a case about a Colorado bakery that refused to sell a ...

Cure: When thoughts and prayers are not enough

While definitions differ, Congress has defined a “mass killing” as one in which three or more people are killed in a single incident in a public place. From Sandy Hook to Charles...

Tingey: Local industry relies on public lands from here to Alaska

This has been a tough year for public land advocates. There is increasing activity across the country to open up America’s public lands to oil and gas leasing. Currently, there i...

Krugman: Simply put, it is the biggest tax scam in history

Donald Trump likes to declare that every good thing that happens while he’s in office – job growth, rising stock prices, whatever – is the biggest, greatest, best ever. Then the fact-checker...