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Rosenberg: Did Al Franken make a bad decision, or is he a creep? Look for the pattern.

Our recent and overdue reckoning with sexual harassment and sexual assault have prompted some concerns. Will a wave of testimony lead to a prudish overcorrection? Will simple misunderstandin...

Realini: National monuments inspire entrepreneurs

Improving the quality of life for people across the globe has been a driving force in my life and career. In my work, I’ve used my experience in technology to help provide people in remote r...

Carrera: Fair District Colorado’s proposals anything but

Redrawing political boundaries every 10 years to make sure everyone is fairly represented is no easy task. In 2011, as the lone member on the Colorado Reapportionment Commission ...

Priebe: The foundation of a family’s future – affordable maternity care and birth control

Affordable maternity care and birth control benefits not only women, but also families and our entire community. Considering these services essential to our families and community turns the ...

Francis: Big oil and gas behind county commissioner attacks

I read with interest Matt Dempsey’s Dempsey, the opinion editor of Western Energy Alliance’s “Western Wire,” condemns Lachelt’s dual role as public official and executive director of the n...

Dempsey: Transparency welcome, but questions remain

It’s not often that elected officials come forward and publicly admit when they are wrong, so give La Plata County Commissioner Gwen Lachelt kudos for acknowledging in a Lachelt grudgingly...

Editorial cartoon

Rosenberg: Defending sexual assault is never worth it, really

As president, John F. Kennedy made sexual advances toward a 19-year-old White House intern named Mimi Beardsley. He pressured her to provide oral sex to other men. Whatever else ...

Egan: The vacuity of the Vice President

With Donald Trump in Asia plugging his golf resort and telling his hosts “I never knew we had so many countries,” the leaderless United States has had a week to try out President Mike Pence....

Dionne: Trump’s real constituency - the super rich

WASHINGTON – The focus on President Trump’s political strength among white working-class voters distracts from a truth that may be more important: His rise depended on support from rich cons...

Brooks: How to engage a fanatic

I’ve had a series of experiences recently that leave the impression that everybody on earth is having the same conversation: How do you engage with fanatics? First, I was at a Was...

Barkey: Colorado’s Public Employees Retirement Association is going broke

Colorado’s Public Employees’ Retirement Association (PERA) system is going broke. Colorado’s teachers, firefighters, and state troopers are among PERA’s 560,000 members who are e...