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Tingey: Local industry relies on public lands from here to Alaska

This has been a tough year for public land advocates. There is increasing activity across the country to open up America’s public lands to oil and gas leasing. Currently, there i...

Krugman: Simply put, it is the biggest tax scam in history

Donald Trump likes to declare that every good thing that happens while he’s in office – job growth, rising stock prices, whatever – is the biggest, greatest, best ever. Then the fact-checker...

Scarborough: Republicans are repeating a reckless cycle

Since Ronald Reagan’s rise to the White House in 1980, tax cuts have been the one issue that has unified all wings of the Republican Party. According to conservative legend, Reagan’s massive...

Martinez: Proposed college name change hides history of racism

What’s in a name? Fort Lewis College is asking that question as we speak. Certainly, names hold importance; they’re part of our identity. For some, names are the testament of thei...

Hedges: TABOR at 25 is an outdated artifact for tomorrow’s economy

Twenty-five years ago this month, Colorado voters approved adding Article X Section 20 to the state constitution. That same year, Motorola introduced one of the first handheld digital mobile...

Middleton: What is ‘personhood’ doing in the GOP tax plan?

While there are many problems with the Republican tax plan, of greatest concern is that, as currently proposed, anti-abortion “personhood” language could make its way into federal law. ...

Robinson: Congress should investigate Trump’s alleged misconduct

WASHINGTON – Powerful men with long histories of alleged sexual harassment or assault are finally being held accountable – except one. That would be President Trump. From movie mo...

Egan: We’re with stupid

It would be much easier to sleep at night if you could believe that we’re in such a mess of misinformation simply because Russian agents disseminated inflammatory posts that reached 126 mill...

Schultz: ‘Tis never the season for revenge parenting

Ever have one of those moments when you hear a song and it sums up exactly how you’re feeling? It’s as if someone, somewhere out there, heard the call of your heart and set it to ...

Brooks: The promise of tech seems to be turning out evil

Not long ago, tech was the coolest industry. Everybody wanted to work at Google, Facebook and Apple. But over the past year the mood has shifted. Some now believe tech is like the...

Rosenberg: Did Al Franken make a bad decision, or is he a creep? Look for the pattern.

Our recent and overdue reckoning with sexual harassment and sexual assault have prompted some concerns. Will a wave of testimony lead to a prudish overcorrection? Will simple misunderstandin...

Realini: National monuments inspire entrepreneurs

Improving the quality of life for people across the globe has been a driving force in my life and career. In my work, I’ve used my experience in technology to help provide people in remote r...