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The 90/10 principle for diet success

The diet roller-coaster or yo-yo dieting is all too familiar for so many. We know losing weight will help improve health, but making it happen is another story. The on-again, off-...

In season now: Microbiome-boosting leafy greens

Arugula, spinach, kale, bok choi, chock-full of cancer-fighters

The sweet habit holding you back

How much added refined sugar can you eat or drink in a day and still maintain good health? This is a great question because it’s unrealistic to say you’ll never eat another bite o...

With Trump rollback, school lunch could get more white bread

NEW YORK – Is white bread about to make a comeback on school lunch menus? After complaints about taste and costs, the Trump administration rolled back a rule that required foods l...

Managing your stress: The eternal energy drainer

Are you stressed? You’re probably thinking, “Ha! Who isn’t?” You’re right. Stress in our lives is constant. It’s been around since the beginning of life as we know it, and it’s no...

Escaping from diet overwhelm

Being overwhelmed with diets and nutrition is all too common. The first popular mainstream diet formed in 1863 when William Banting created a detailed brochure as to how a low-carbohydrate, ...

Spring cleaning your nutrition

We all get stuck in food ruts when we eat the same thing day after day, leaving us feeling bored and unmotivated with our meal plan. Even though we’re bored, sometimes it’s easie...

The way you speak now was shaped by what your ancestors ate

WASHINGTON – The way most of us speak today is shaped in part by how long ago our ancestors gave up chewing tough, raw meat. It’s widely known that languages evolve as societies d...

Did the Dietary Guidelines help make Americans fat?

It’s that time again. Time to revise the Dietary Guidelines for Americans, something that happens every five years. This time, those revisions will happen in the face of charges that, over t...

Advice on salt, hidden in an array of foods, gets specific

NEW YORK – It can be hidden in bread, pizza, soup and other packaged foods and restaurant meals. Now, advice to watch out for salt is coming with a more specific reason. A report ...

Five signs you need to change what you’re eating

If you are suffering from undesirable symptoms, it may be a sign that the food you are eating needs tweaking. You experience symptoms when your body is struggling to correct a pro...

Don’t think of it as a New Year’s resolution. Think of it as a new skill.

This is the season for reflections and resolutions. It will be immediately followed by the season for failure and frustration. That’s because people who make health-related New Year’s resolu...