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The link between your food and your mood

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, depression is one of the most common mental disorders in the United States. It’s also the leading cause of disability in the ...

How to celebrate every day, healthfully

The third full month of quarantine has many people feeling restless, down and antsy. Some of the activities we might be indulging in are having a negative impact on health and well-being, bu...

What to eat to avoid painful gallstones

Most people are aware that diet plays a major role in gallstone production. And, man, if we can avoid gallbladder issues, we definitely want to because these stones hurt! The gall...

Vegetable bowls are both simple and powerful

With warmer temperatures here, it’s the perfect time of year to ditch the heavy winter foods and bring in lighter, healthier eats. There’s no better way to do this than with a flavor-packed ...

Spring cleaning: From the inside out

Every person’s health and well-being is dependent on how their body removes and purges toxins from the body. With environmental pollution, toxic body care products and processed f...

Exercise, immunity and weight loss

“Exercise decreases immunity? What the heck! I thought I was doing something good for my body!” Or, “Reduce my exercise? How am I ever going to lose this weight?” I’ve been hearing these rem...

No joke: Healthier can be delicious

I still remember the smell walking into my grandmother’s kitchen. She always had food on the stove, freshly baked sweets in the oven ... and, oh yes, always fresh tortillas strai...

Building immunity by nourishing the nerves

It is important to recognize our bodies as a complex system of systems, each influencing the other in a dynamic orchestration which cannot be described as anything but divine. Whe...

Uncertain times and our health

We are all different: various backgrounds, genetic makeup, political and religious beliefs. I see different metabolisms with hundreds of varying dietary needs, sensitivities and preferences ...

Vegetable oil: Not as healthy as you might think it is

When it comes to vegetables, it’s easy to decide which ones are good for you, right? Unfortunately, this simplicity doesn’t carry over to vegetable oils. Vegetable oils are edible...

Stress-eating for comfort in a time of anxiety? Here’s how experts say you should deal.

You’re mostly stuck inside, your children are home from school, and the coronavirus pandemic is making the future seem less certain by the day. If you’re like 27% of Americans, you might see...

Boost your immunity with diet, rest

With all the concern about the coronavirus, many want to optimize their immune systems to keep themselves healthy and less at risk. There are three primary ways we can vitalize ourselves – n...