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How low sodium diets may increase health risks

Salt’s value has changed with the industrial revolution, but it still plays a very important role in our individual health. Salt has been used as currency. Roads and cities have been formed...

The heavy hitters in the ’dirty food’ world

If you want to feed your body healthier food, you can simplify it even beyond the games of balancing calories and macronutrients (amounts of protein, fat, and carbohydrates). The first best ...

Miraculous minerals and where they come from

Minerals are the unsung heroes of the micronutrient world. Sure, everyone knows vitamin C is beneficial, but asking about molybdenum will draw a blank. Each one is involved in hundreds of b...

Seven tips toward a better diet for your kids

Let’s be real, feeding kids is tough! I’ve realized from firsthand experience with my three little ones that the goal here cannot be perfection. Through much trial and error, I ha...

Emotional eating – is it why diets have failed you?

Do you have a healthy relationship with food? Would you classify yourself as an emotional eater? Spoiler alert: We are all human, so we all eat for emotional reasons to some degr...

How and why to keep elimination diets simple

Many of us wonder which foods are best for our bodies or could be contributing to symptoms that we’re having. The best way to go is directly to your body – it has all the answers you’re look...

Dietary fat: Is it your friend or foe?

Over the last seven years, I’ve created meal plans for clients in my clinics to combat a plethora of maladies such as chronic diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, joint pain, autoimmune condit...

Stop eating these foods to protect the trillions of tiny soldiers fighting for your health

“My what?” you may be asking. The microbiome is the vast collection of trillions of bacteria in your digestive system that work together to maintain health. Your microbiome begins...

Time for whole-body spring cleaning

We’re starting to get our first tastes of spring, and it is such a balm for body, mind and soul. It can also bring allergies, irritability (spring fever) and a desire to deep cle...

Hijacking the brain’s reward mechanism

A key component of behavior change is the brain’s reward system, which consists of neurons in the different regions of the brain communicating to one another using dopamine, the feel-good ch...

The link between your body pain and your diet

If you are suffering from body pain and other undesirable symptoms, it may be a sign that the food you are eating needs tweaking ... or even a complete overhaul. Generally, you e...

When in doubt about your diet, go dense

It can be really confusing to navigate the world of nutrition with so many theories and approaches out there, not to mention experts and research that seem to contradict each other. ...