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Finding relief from holiday heartburn

When you’re dealing with acid reflux, heartburn or gastroesophageal reflux disease, it can make your favorite meals ... unenjoyable. The pain associated with these conditions is s...

A simple guide to healthy holiday feasting

The holidays are upon us and with them come parties, stress and opportunity to eat excess amounts of food. With a few tricks, this holiday season will increase only your joy – not...

The mental health and diet connection

Believe it or not, your emotional state has a lot to do with how healthy your gut is. Every part of your body works together as one system; if one element is out of balance, it wi...

Diabetes: Are you at risk?

November is National Diabetes Month, and this year’s focus is on the connection between diabetes and cardiovascular disease. According to the National Institute of Health, adults ...

Three easy tricks to optimize your health

With all the diet fads and advice out there, many of my patients are overwhelmed simply by deciding what to eat each day. I have found that sticking to a few simple guidelines has...

The skinny on intermittent fasting

It seems these days that everyone I chat with has questions about intermittent fasting. As simple as “just not eating” sounds, there is an art and science behind it. Abstaining fr...

Cholesterol: The good, the bad and the ugly

According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention, 102 million Americans have unhealthy cholesterol levels above 200 mg/dl. More than 35 million of these people have leve...

Feeding the microbiome

The microbiome is what we call the community of trillions of cells that live in the large intestine. These bacteria and fungi outnumber all the other cells in your body put together. ...

Igniting the fat burn

The majority of us struggle to attain our optimal weight. We try our best to follow the conventional guidelines with which we are inundated. We are told to move more, eat less, th...

Could you have ‘leaky gut’ and not know it?

If the foods you’ve always enjoyed (or even loved) now make you sick, you may have what the health industry calls a food intolerance. However, the underlying problem that’s causing it could ...

Eating to ease your anxiety

As the days start to shorten and an autumn chill comes back into the evening air, many people start to experience an uptick in feelings of anxiousness. Anticipating dark, cold day...

Are you an athlete? Eat this!

We now know that exercise is primarily a wellness tool and will not help most of us lose excess body fat. But, let’s say you are a professional athlete, or perhaps a recreational athlete, fo...