
Our view: Are four-day weeks shortchanging students?

How much time should students spend in the classroom each week? And each day? We are among those who believe that the four-day week creates a larger teacher and administrator hiring pool and...

Our view: Next Step debate continues; youth weighs in

This week’s gathering of about 100 that included numerous downtown business owners, almost all in person, to hear advocates for one side and the other and to question city staff members, cha...

Our view: Legislature, governor provide compromise on tax increase reduction

Voters will see two fewer questions on November’s ballot as a result of the Legislature’s special session this week. The two were extreme reactions to the higher property taxes property owne...

Our view: Labor Day: Wages up, options many

Thoughts about Labor Day, now 130 years since its naming. Workers in 1894 had a need for a day that proclaimed their contribution to the increasingly industrialized American economy where th...

Our view: City buys time by postponing sales tax ballot question

Wise taxing officials give themselves room when they plan to go to the voters to approve continuing a tax. That’s the case with the city of Durango, which now will postpone likely until Apri...

Our view: Special session could end too-blunt 50 and 108

In Colorado, 2,000 voters approved Amendment 23, which set annual public school funding increases at the amount of inflation. For the first 10 years, it was inflation plus 1%. Fine in concep...

Our view: Porter-Norton should step back, let Matt Salka run his own race

Marsha Porter-Norton is doing a fine job as county commissioner as she approaches the completion of her first four-year term, so good that she’s without a challenger this November. The Monte...

Our view: Have a cup of coffee

Tensions between city, county about jail can be worked out without a lawyer

Our view: Especially engaged Durangoans

It’s been a comfortable summer in Durango, early warm temperatures – a couple of days were a record – plus a mix of hot sun and a heavy June rain, unusual. Now are the more common afternoon ...

Our View: Thank you, Rep. Barbara McLachlan

Our next representative of House District 59 will have big shoes to fill. Barbara McLachlan has served us very well for the maximum eight years – our only representative in this district to ...

Our View: Boarding school research could only go on with Indigenous families’ input

There was an undeniable charge in the air on that sunny morning in May 2022 at Fort Lewis College, when Gov. Jared Polis signed into law HB22-1327, directing History Colorado to investigate ...

Our View: Russian prison didn’t squelch Gershkovich’s journalistic spirit

The image of newly freed Wall Street Journal reporter Evan Gershkovich lifting his mother, Ella Milman, off the tarmac at Joint Base Andrews, Maryland, on Thursday says it all. The relief...
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