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Boomer strikes back: ‘OK, Zoomers. I get it.’

“OK, Boomer” is the sarcastic retort to those of us born in the Baby Boomer era. It is a dismissive and derisive response to older people who express opinions that are seen as outdated, cons...

Our View: Thank you, Tom Stritikus

With his team, Fort Lewis College president made enduring gains

Our View: Food aid workers best of us humans

Not providing security for them is a war crime

Our View: Smaller art projects as worthy as larger ones

The surprise of public art – whether murals on drab cinderblock walls or recycled metal twisted into something intriguing – gives places some pluck. Even better is when unexpected artistic g...

Our View: Share what’s on your mind in poems

According to the Poetry Foundation, young people are naturally receptive to poetry and are its most appreciative audience. We don’t know how this concept was measured. But after reading some...

Our View: Demand release of WSJ reporter wrongly imprisoned 1 year

Being soft on Putin counters cause to free Gershkovich

Our View: Time for Native healing practices at VA

Southern Ute member Richards to bring overdue perspective

Our View: Durango’s shady, green East 3rd Ave. median to become a rarity

Law restricts nonnative planting, watering of ‘nonfunctional turf’

My View: Boebert still on the clock in CD3

Need more legislation that benefits Southwest constituents

Our View: Disinformation dogs Dolores River monument proposal

Grievance politics tend to attract people who feel left out. By Tuesday afternoon, that could be more than 5,000 people, most likely in Mesa and Montrose counties. They signed an online peti...

Our View: Musings on state of the presidential race

With Donald Trump secured as the Republican nominee, and Joe Biden perky and energized after his State of the Union address, the particulars of the presidential race are reshaping and moldin...

Our View: Amplify case for Gaza cease-fire beyond Council chambers

Understandably, people in our communities are enraged about the Israel-Hamas war – barbaric and heart-wrenching. We wholeheartedly support endeavors to end the fighting and brutalities. One ...
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