
Our view: Lions, bobcats: Professionals know best

Vote ‘no’ on Proposition 127 in November

Our view: ‘Yes’ to reducing some vets’ property taxes

Amendment G to the state’s constitution will provide an estimated 3,700 veterans who are deemed unable to hold a job with a reduction in their property taxes. It adds them to the homestead e...

A ‘yes’ to Amendment H will add breadth to judicial review board

Amendment H creates a board of lawyers, judges and citizens (four each) to evaluate charges of judicial misconduct with some transparency than exists now. Currently, accusations are handled ...

Vote ‘yes’ on Amendment K

Amendment K to the Constitution would give election officials an additional week to process issue signature petitions and require publicizing ballot measures 30 days before the election rath...

Our view: For the constitution

Abortion, yes; same-sex marriage, out; school choice, no

Our view: Re-seat Wheeler for another term

The deadline to vote in the La Plata Electric Association election is quickly approaching on Tuesday and is worthy of your attention. One seat in each of LPEA’s four districts is up for elec...

Our view: Mental health services will benefit from gun, ammunition purchases

Colorado’s Legislature has referred to the voters the question of applying a 6.5% excise tax to the purchase of firearms and ammunition to fund multiple mental health prevention and treatmen...

Our view: ‘Yes’ to funding water projects with gambling taxes

In 2019, Colorado voters approved a tax on sports betting for the benefit of water conservation and protection projects, with the ballot language as Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights requires estima...

Our view: ‘Yes’ to allocating lodgers tax to child care, housing

The La Plata County Commissioners are proposing to allocate 70% of the lodgers tax collected annually to support tourism related workforce housing and child care, something that is permitted...

Ellen Stein signs on as Opinion Contributor for election

Ellen Stein, The Durango Herald’s and The Journal’s opinion page writer and editor between 2016 and 2018, is serving as the two newspapers’ Opinion Contributor for the November 2024 election...

Our view: Are four-day weeks shortchanging students?

How much time should students spend in the classroom each week? And each day? We are among those who believe that the four-day week creates a larger teacher and administrator hiring pool and...

Our view: Next Step debate continues; youth weighs in

This week’s gathering of about 100 that included numerous downtown business owners, almost all in person, to hear advocates for one side and the other and to question city staff members, cha...
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