Pine River Times

See you this weekend at the La Plata County Fair

By MELANIE BRUBAKER MAZUR TIMES EDITOR The La Plata County Fair offers grand opportunities for one of my favorite things ever - eating really decadent food. ...

Crane, Phelps families thank communities

Thank you to Stephanie Dennison, a teacher at Bayfield Middle School. You have done so many wonderful things for Aria Crane since her cancer came back. Taking the time to go walk...

McLachlan rude to kids in Fiesta parade

On Saturday, I was participating in the 114th San Ignacio Fiesta parade. I had the misfortune of witnessing 59th district representative Mike McLachlan treat two small kids who were riding d...

Four Corners Rally welcomes volunteers to free lunch

Hi volunteers! I am looking forward to working with each of you again this year!  There are a lot of exciting plans for the 2014 Four Corners Motorcycle Rally!  If you have not do...

Help appreciated for rubber ducky race

The Bayfield Chamber of Commerce thanks and appreciates everyone who took the time to sell or buy a rubber ducky race ticket for the 4th, and we appreciate all of our volunteers! Our race wi...

Bayfield has reasonable policies for water bills

In response to a letter that Bill Faust wrote (Times, July 18) I must say that he appears to have ignored a big part of what the town manager and clerk had to say. The due date on our town ...

Downtown dogs are driving neighbors crazy

I'd like to alert residents of downtown Bayfield that there is a movement afoot to take back our neighborhood from barking dogs and inconsiderate neighbors. This morning (Tuesday, July 22) ...

McLachlan protects citizens and gun rights

Being an effective elected official requires strong leadership. I am proud of our state representative for standing up against violence in Colorado by supporting background checks for all gu...

Rotary thanks beer garden supporters

Pine River Centennial Rotary Club had another successful beer garden on July 4. Big thanks to the guys at Southwest Ag for yet again supplying the tent, not to mention putting it up and taki...

Wrestling association holding dinner-dance July 26

The Ignacio Wrestling Association is having a benefit dinner and dance on Saturday, July 26, from 6 p.m. to 1 a.m. at the Spring Creek Hall. We are seeking businesses to help with donations,...

BAAM appreciates support of Bayberry Jam

The Bayfield Association for the Advancement of Music would like to thank the Bayfield community for a great turnout and support for our second annual Bayberry Jam Music Festival on June 21...

Thank you for supporting our kids

When your son's baseball team wins a district title (against Durango - that's always sweet!) and the coach says, "We're going to state!" reality starts to set in. State means mote...