Pine River Times

J. Paul Brown supports gun rights

I want to encourage everyone to vote for J. Paul Brown. I have known J. Paul for many years and know him to be an honest, hardworking person. From his roles on the local school board, servi...

Veterans Stand Down set for Nov. 15

The Veterans Administration, DAV, American Legion, Red Cross, Veterans for Veterans and Volunteers of America are hosting the first Veterans Stand Down for our area. The event will be held a...

Heritage Society appreciates support

The Pine River Valley Heritage Society annual fundraiser on Sept. 26, featuring the Bar D Wranglers, was a great success. The Worleys sang during the meal while our hungry guests enjoyed a n...

EPA's federal water rule is a power grab

Waters of the United States (WOTUS) rule as proposed by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is an enormous overreach, in an attempt to gain increased control over all water. The EPA's p...

Vote Smith for county coroner

I had the pleasure and privilege of meeting Janis "Jann" Smith about four months ago. Never having met a coroner before, I was amazed that this lovely, soft spoken, and articulate woman choo...

Ad targeting Brown is ludicrous

There is a political advertisement on TV that is blatantly inaccurate and tries to tarnish J. Paul Brown's reputation.  The $200,000 figure is totally wrong, and those benefiting ...

Calvary Church thanks Pine Valley Foursquare

On behalf of Betty Abernathy's church family here at Calvary Presbyterian, I wanted to publicly thank our wonderful sisters and brothers at Pine Valley Foursquare for their graciousness and ...

Morrissey is best choice for treasurer

A letter to the editor in the Durango Herald on Sept. 10 by Linda Daley referenced me. This letter was in support of a candidate whom I do not support. I would like people to kno...

Sheriff Schirard has honesty, experience

I have known Duke Schirard for many years. He was always helpful, honest and caring as marshal of Bayfield. He did a great job. I also have had real-estate business dealing with ...

Bayfield Farmers Market appreciated

For me, a glad day arrives in June when the Bayfield Farmers Market opens at the park next to the Los Pinos River off Highway 160. A sad day arrives when the Market ends its season in Octobe...

Gardner desperate, support Udall

It is difficult to understand how a man can be seeking to serve us in the highest of public offices and yet tarnish the very same legacy of public service the current officeholder and his fa...

Sales tax increase in Bayfield makes economic sense

OK, nobody likes to pay more taxes, but the fact of the matter is the Town of Bayfield's streets are deteriorating, and the town needs money to fix them. So the town is asking for a one-perc...