Pine River Times

Where's the recycling in Bayfield?

It is disconcerting that recycling has become a polarized issue and the necessary expenses to cover a recycling program cannot be met by the Town of Bayfield. Community-wide recycling servi...

What is the best way to honor veterans?

As the Mazurs were getting ready for work and school Tuesday, we had a discussion around the kitchen as we ate cereal, drank caffeine, made sandwiches, and tried to get out the door by 7:20 ...

Rotary thanks Heritage Day sponsors, volunteers

Pine River Centennial Rotary Club would like to thank all those who helped with the success of our Bayfield Heritage Day fundraisers - Ewe Pick 'Em and our beer garden in the park. ...

BHS student appreciates sports funding

I am writing to inform people about sports funding at Bayfield High School. I am very pleased with the way our school board and athletic director divide the money. Sports get mon...

Music director appreciates support

Well, here we are. Another great season of marching - my 25th - is in the books, my 10th as the lucky person who gets to lead the Bayfield High School Marching Wolverines. Bayfiel...

Upper Pine: check smoke alarms this Sunday

By Tom Kaufman Upper Pine River Fire Protection District Roughly two out of three fire deaths happen in homes with no smoke alarms or smoke alarms that are not working....

Who is donating to Lieb's campaign?

How can anyone endorse Bobby Lieb for treasurer when the following is FACT?   Look up Robert Lieb on the Secretary of State's elections web site you will find expenditures for his campaign, ...

Leadership La Plata appreciates support for class held in Bayfield

On behalf of all of Leadership La Plata, the county's community education and leadership skills training program, we want to sincerely thank all those businesses, organizations and individua...

Donations needed for Crane fundraisers

Aria Crane is a 12-year-old sweetheart who is battling Hodgkin's lymphoma for the second time in her short life. Aria is a 7th grader in Bayfield. Her dad Brian Crane is the information tech...

Sales tax hike would be good for Bayfield

I'm not a big fan of sales taxes. They are regressive, and honestly, as a former business owner, they are a pain in the posterior to collect and remit to the state. That being sai...

J. Paul Brown supports gun rights

I want to encourage everyone to vote for J. Paul Brown. I have known J. Paul for many years and know him to be an honest, hardworking person. From his roles on the local school board, servi...

Veterans Stand Down set for Nov. 15

The Veterans Administration, DAV, American Legion, Red Cross, Veterans for Veterans and Volunteers of America are hosting the first Veterans Stand Down for our area. The event will be held a...