Pine River Times

LPEA board needs business leadership

I am a director of the La Plata Electric (LPEA) board. The opinions expressed in this letter are mine.  I have served on many different boards.  The LPEA board is not a high functioning boar...

Bayfield Marshals office seeks owners

The Bayfield Marshals Office has several items in evidence with unknown owners. If you believe some of these items might belong to you, please contact Corporal Daniel Abdella at 884-9636, ex...

LPEA 'greens' disregard state law

Regarding LPEA elections: As a 33-year cooperative member, I raised a legitimate issue in a reasonable way. I have been threatened by the "greens." The Herald used this word, not me; "the...

Business experience needed for LPEA board

I am very happy that Karen Barger, Kohler McInnis, and Jim Wotkyns have decided to run for the La Plata Electric Association board of directors. Board responsibility and accountability canno...

LPEA Greens spend your money freely

Follow the money. It's standard advice for discovering underlying truths. Applied to La Plata Electric Association's Board of Directors, it looks like this: Mentioned ...

Dubit is best choice for LPEA District 2

For the first time in many years, residents in LPEA District 2 are being offered a choice of candidates who will ultimately represent them on the LPEA board; and that choice is Gregg Dubit. ...

LPEA needs strength, reliability

I am running for the LPEA Board of Directors in District 2 because I believe affordable electricity should be available to all. In 1979 I moved to Durango to start my business. I...

Voters should elect independent board

Dan Olson's  (executive director of San Juan Citizens Alliance) Thinking Green column in the Durango Herald prompted me to write this letter. Rather than support his candidate's positions, h...

BHS Knowledge Bowl asking for support

After winning the Southwest Colorado Regional Knowledge Bowl meet in March and placing second at the Colorado State Knowledge Bowl meet in April, our team was invited and will attend the Nat...

9Health Fair tomorrow at BES

The Bayfield 9Health Fair is from 7 to 11:30 a.m. Saturday, May 2 at Bayfield Elementary School. If you would like to register online, go to, select ...

Assessor's office sending valuations

It is the time of year when the assessor's offices of Colorado report on the value of all real estate properties in their counties. We inform individual owners with a Notice of Valuation (NO...

Take Christi Zeller's word for it!

The oil and gas behemoths must be desperate. Having worked double shift to degrade this planet for their obscene profits, they now send their paid bully Christi Zeller - the lady...