Pine River Times

Let's all swap our stuff on Yard Sale Day

Saturday is the big day here in Bayfield. No, it's not the 4th of July yet, it's Yard Sale Day. Either you're a bargain hunter out to find a forgotten Picasso, or a neat freak who...

BAAM seeks support for school music

BAAM (Bayfield Association for the Advancement of Music) is a non-profit organization whose mission is to provide funds for the advancement of music for Bayfield music students. We are run ...

Lions Club Foundation thanks donors

The Bayfield Lions Club Foundation would like to thank the donors to the Foundation banquet and auction in April: J. Paul Brown, Baked, Cowboy Trading Co., Salon del Sol, Beverly ...

Summer food assistance available

The Family Center's Bayfield office and community members from Pine River Shares are extending the BK4K (Bayfield Kids for Kids) Snackpack Project through the summer thanks to the community'...

Marshal's deputies appreciate community support

The deputies of the Bayfield Marshal's Office would like to thank the community of Bayfield for recognizing us and showing your appreciation of our service last week during National Police W...

Museum honoring WWII vets

The Pine River Valley Heritage Society Museum is honoring our Bayfield soldiers who gave their lives during WWII that ended in May 1945, 70 years ago in the European Theater. The Pacific Th...

Paving county roads wastes money

I find it frustrating reading about how we need to pave every county road in sight. I've heard from avid asphalt enthusiasts about how paving will make all our lives better, howev...

Southern Ute Police enforcing seatbelt laws to save lives

By Raymond N. Coriz Jr. If there is one thing I could urge all motorists - drivers, passengers, front seat, back seat, all ages - to do every time you get in a vehicle, it's buckl...

Dubit appreciates votes for LPEA board

I am running for the LPEA Board of Directors, District 2. The energy landscape is evolving, presenting new challenges and new opportunities. Business as usual will not be good en...

Business expertise needed at LPEA

I have been following the actions of the LPEA board. There seems to be a cliché that is not in the best interest of the association. Partisan politics do not belong in certain elections, suc...

LPEA board needs business leadership

I am a director of the La Plata Electric (LPEA) board. The opinions expressed in this letter are mine.  I have served on many different boards.  The LPEA board is not a high functioning boar...

Bayfield Marshals office seeks owners

The Bayfield Marshals Office has several items in evidence with unknown owners. If you believe some of these items might belong to you, please contact Corporal Daniel Abdella at 884-9636, ex...