Pine River Times

Bell ringing can be hectic this year

It's easy in December to get too caught up in presents, cards, cookies and parties and blow off the true meaning of Advent and Christmas. I'm not pointing fingers. I've done it to...

Roth family thanks friends for support

We would like to send a big thank you to everyone who called, sent cards, sent flowers, sent donations to charities, visited with us and gave us so much support after Ella's passing. ...

CSU offers commonsense ways to avoid holiday fraud

Tis the season! Whew, we have made it past Black Friday and Cyber Monday, but there are still 20 shopping days left. It is also a busy time for theft! In 2013, consumers paid $1....

Federal listing of Gunnison sage grouse as 'threatened' is disrespectful

By J. Paul Brown I am writing to register my displeasure with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's decision to list the bird as "threatened" under the endangered Species Act. ...

Leadership La Plata hosts government class

On behalf of all Leadership La Plata, we want to sincerely thank all of those businesses, organizations and individuals who contributed to the success of the Government Day session held at t...

Pine River Seniors thank supporters

We would like to thank the following businesses for their support in the huge success of our annual fundraiser/bazaar on Nov. 8. From Bayfield - 7L Ranch, A&W, Alta/ Conoco, Ameri...

Gas drilling permitted in HD Mountains

The purpose of this letter is to inform the community of the ongoing plans for drilling gas wells in the HD Mountains. In July, the U.S. Forest Service circulated information by l...

FFA appreciates support for raffle

The Future Farmers of America Ignacio chapter and parents would like to thank the community for supporting our recent raffle. This fundraiser would not have been possible without the support...

We give thanks and honor Aria, Dylan

When it comes to raising children, there are highs and lows. Most of us, thankfully, don't have to deal with the pain that the Cranes have had to face. Brian and Wendy...

Sales tax vote was short-sighted

Congratulations Bayfield voters! The majority of voters voted against the 1-cent sales tax increase, so now we can all watch our property taxes go up. Brilliant! ...

Where's the recycling in Bayfield?

It is disconcerting that recycling has become a polarized issue and the necessary expenses to cover a recycling program cannot be met by the Town of Bayfield. Community-wide recycling servi...

What is the best way to honor veterans?

As the Mazurs were getting ready for work and school Tuesday, we had a discussion around the kitchen as we ate cereal, drank caffeine, made sandwiches, and tried to get out the door by 7:20 ...