Pine River Times

On Monday morning, I will want my missing hour back

Spring forward and fall back. What a cutesy-foo-foo way of making our lives a veritable hell. I think Daylight Savings Time was invented to drive working mothers nuts. ...

Whacky weather leads to random thoughts

We hope winter is coming back this weekend, but we've hoped for that during the past few storms that have shot right over us to the north, and we've had zip for snow. Don't get me...

Thank you, Pine River Valley Bank, for 28 years

What makes a small place a real town, anyway? An old newspaper adage is that a town needs a school, a post office, a bar, a church, (to balance each other out, I suppose!) and a n...

League hosting legislators on Feb. 21

The League of Women Voters of La Plata County is presenting its annual Legislative Lowdown this year at 9 a.m. Saturday Feb. 21 at the Durango Public Library. We invite everyone in La Plata ...

Colorado needs to make up for school funding losses

Endorsed by 174 Colorado superintendents representing more than 92 percent of the public school students in our state, this statement communicates our collective position on the foundational...

Marijuana could provide tax revenue

I, like Town Manger Chris LaMay and the Bayfield Town Board, am concerned about the town's need to raise money, the public's regularly turning down a sales tax increase, and the seemingly li...

LLP arts class coordinators thank volunteers

The Leadership La Plata 2014-15 class met on Jan. 9 at the Durango Arts Center. We want to thank Ted Holteen who moderated the all-day session. A further shout-out goes to the panelists: ...

If you don't like dogs, don't have them

Actually, I think that applies to children, as well, but we'll stick to dogs for this week. I have a sad walk when I go to the post office in Bayfield because I have to pass two d...

Property tax bills are in mail

2014 property tax bills have been mailed to all La Plata County property owners. Property taxes are paid retroactively, meaning that 2014 taxes are paid in 2015. It is the property owner's ...

Gardner, Tipton claim to be conservative

I'm interested in our Congressional Representative Scott Tipton's, and Senator Cory Gardner's conservative stances. I know they both espouse smaller federal government reach and support indi...

Youth should repair museum damage

The Pine River Valley Heritage Society Museum was notified by the marshal's office regarding racial epithets and graffiti on our building. We thank the business owner who provided the marsh...

$18 million available for training for beginning farmers, ranchers

By Traci Bruckner Center for Rural Affairs The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced more than $18 million in funding available to support training, mentoring, and d...