Pine River Times

Assessor's office sending valuations

It is the time of year when the assessor's offices of Colorado report on the value of all real estate properties in their counties. We inform individual owners with a Notice of Valuation (NO...

Take Christi Zeller's word for it!

The oil and gas behemoths must be desperate. Having worked double shift to degrade this planet for their obscene profits, they now send their paid bully Christi Zeller - the lady...

Barger announces LPEA candidacy

I am Karen Barger, owner of Seasons Rotisserie & Grill. We are actively involved in the community and as a business owner I support local farmers and ranchers and back agriculture, sustainab...

Standardized testing available for home school students

In the spring, a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of . standardized testing? While the great poet Tennyson actually completed the previous sentence with the word love, many Colorado stude...

BLM management plan lacking, but leasing plan is positive move

We were encouraged to learn that Connie Clementson, BLM's Tres Rios Field Office (TRFO) Manager, recently committed to putting a Master Leasing Plan back on the table for southwest Colorado....

Easter should be a holiday

I'm afraid Easter - the most important religious holiday of the year for Christians - is going the way of other holy days, turning into a secular opportunity to buy more stuff. He...

LLP class organizers thank sponsors

The coordinators of the Health and Human Services section of Leadership La Plata 2014-2015 would like to express our sincere THANKS to those who made our day possible, pleasant and productiv...

We're special, darn it, because we say so

All our children are above average, and we're special, and it's not just us that says so. OK, I'm joking about some of that, but sometimes it's good to have an outsider come to a ...

Win or lose, we're proud of our basketball boys

The boys playing on the Bayfield basketball team have had three coaches in three years. They had an 11-10 season. They only had one league victory during the regular se...

Sportsman Association thanks donors

The Vallecito Conservation and Sporting Association thanks the following donors to its annual potluck and auction on Jan. 24: Amerigas, Arnie's Lures, Barb and Jamie Wagner, Basin...

On Monday morning, I will want my missing hour back

Spring forward and fall back. What a cutesy-foo-foo way of making our lives a veritable hell. I think Daylight Savings Time was invented to drive working mothers nuts. ...

Whacky weather leads to random thoughts

We hope winter is coming back this weekend, but we've hoped for that during the past few storms that have shot right over us to the north, and we've had zip for snow. Don't get me...